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主页 > 产品展示 > 山东冠洲镀锌板


山东冠洲镀锌板产品主要应用于建筑、轻工、汽车、农牧渔业及商业等行业。其中建筑行业主要用于制造防腐蚀的工业及民用建筑屋面板、屋顶格栅等;轻工行业用其制造家电外壳、民用烟囱、厨房用具等,汽车行业主要用于制造轿车的耐腐蚀部件等;农牧渔业主要用做粮食储运、肉类及水产品的冷冻加工用具 等;商业主要用作为物资的储运、包装用具等。



galvanized sheet is mainly used in architecture, light industry, automobile, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishery, and commerce, etc. in architecture industry, it is mainly used to manufacture roof panel and roof grate of anti-corrosive industrial and civil building; in light industry, it is used to make shell of household electrical appliance, chimney for civil use, kitchenware, etc; in automobile industry, it is used to make anti-corrosive parts of car; in agriculture, animal husbandry, and fishery, it is used to make freezing processing tools for grain storage & transport, meat, and sea food; in commerce, it is used as storage, transport, and packaging tools of materials.


天津首钢镀锌板 天铁与建龙冷轧板  天津轧硬 

天津资源列表鞍钢天铁冷轧,唐山建龙冷轧,天津轧硬,首钢轧硬 尽在山东冠洲张培良新浪博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/gzgf88888  博文内有明细规格与吨重,可纵剪开平。

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