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上海易富遮阳制品有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的专业窗饰制造企业,拥有多年的发展历史。公司自成立并进入国内的窗饰市场以来,秉承专业专注的精神,积累了丰富的窗饰面料、电动窗饰只能控制的经验。并且在窗饰产品的外力传动机构和智能数字化控制系统领域取得了突破性的进展。从而成为国内窗饰行业以及装饰材料行业具有规模、具有品牌价值的实体型的专业窗饰制造企业。 上海易富遮阳制品有限公司具有严密的管理体系和质量保证体系,拥有一支实力雄厚的技术队伍,在上海及全国大中城市圆满完成许多大中型遮阳工程,积累了丰富宝贵的施工经验。公司一贯秉承为客户提供优良的咨询设计服务和售后维修保养服务。 公司的产品分为:成品帘、电动窗饰、智能遮阳三大类。产品涵盖:卷帘、铝合金百叶帘、竹(木)百叶、铝合金垂直帘、罗马帘、天蓬帘、百折帘、蜂巢帘、电动开合帘、电动升降帘、电动天蓬帘等多个系列一百多个品种。 ShangHai YiFu Sun Shading Products Co., Ltd is an earlier enterprise and was established for several years,specialized in designing,munufacturing,fixing,sales.From the firt day YiFu came into this business,we steadily gained in experience,and now we become a famous and professional company in tracery industry,YiFu has turned into one of the most famous brands among Chinese sun shading system. ShangHai YiFu Sun Shading Products Co., Ltd has strict management system and quality assurance system,our projects spread all over the China.Our company has abundant technical force,abundant project experience,and perfect quality guarantee and before/after service system. YiFu provides with roller blind,aluminum Venetian blind,aluminum vertical blinds,Roman curtain,sunshade,Venetian Blind,honeycomb blind,Glystro,etc.More than one hundred series.And the control mode have manual,motor,intelligent three type.